We are delighted to announce that Dartmouth Chamber of Commerce is going to be collaborating with a New Tourism Venture for Dartmouth, based at the Engine House.
We were invited by some of our local councillors to pitch a solution to the issue of Tourism in Dartmouth. Last night the collaborative approach presented was adopted by Dartmouth Town Council as landlords to the Engine House, so a new Board is being formed in order to take over the lease on the property which includes the Visitors Centre.
This means a fresh approach to Tourism in Dartmouth, that seeks to reflect the needs of businesses, residents and visitors alike in order to generate revenue and opportunities across the town.
As part of this, the new Venture will consider how Dartmouth will best be marketed online, so that our Town presents a strong and vibrant case to persuade visitors to spend time and money here.
This is also about keeping the money paid by town businesses in the town to fund future tourism marketing.
We will also be in contact with all of the wonderful Volunteer team to bring them up to date personally.
We look forward to sharing more news as things develop. In the meantime, you can subscribe for updates.